Ross's Shared News Items

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Peter and Juliette Alau Posted by Hello

Here I am in Hawaii with a praying mantis in my hair after it just walked up my face. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Dawnya's headed off to Thailand in 40 hours!

My wife is just about to start her amazing trip to Thailand! I helped her set up her own blog which she's free to use or not use, but at least this gives her a way to communicate with everyone back home, and a way to capture what's going on while she travels. I'm so jealous -- I want my 2 hour massages.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Sustainable Communities

Great article on man living within nature, not conquering it. I don't want my children to 'live an existence disconnected with nature'.